2023/08/23 - Free masonry? What an unsustainable business model.
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This is more of a collection of randomness so bear with me.

So I go to a Baptist church right? Well, I recently learned from one of its members that the particular Baptist church that I happen to be attending was originally founded by Freemasons (or some of the founding members were Freemasons?), and that their influence was eventually rooted out because, y'know, Freemasonry and Christianity aren't compatible.

But it JUST hit me that the founders (or some of the founders) being Freemasons explains my church building's WACKY architecture. I'm not an expert on Freemasons, but the group seems to place some sort of emphasis on architecture. I've generally noticed that buildings built by Masons or Shriners (a closely related group) usually have something really funky going on with their architecture.

And the church I go to? It's got REALLY funky architecture, in that it's layout is very, very odd. Not only does it have some big liminal space vibes, but good gravy is it easy to get disorientated in there. It's not big enough to get lost per se, but it's like you can't really tell where you are exactly at any given point when going through the hallways. The hallways connect and loop in weird ways and overall the way that it's built is just highly peculiar. Adding to this confusion is that it's got two floors which connect at different points via stairs.

So in other words, freemasons probably designed my church and that's why it's got a weird layout lol.


Aside from that, not much else is new. I've been hoping to improve on my willingness and readiness to spread the Gospel, but because I'm an anxious person and also very new to evangelizing, I'd really like to have some sort of support from a larger body of believers in some way. However, I'm still kinda "one foot in the water, one foot on dry land" with this church, which makes me feel like I'm still "alone" when evangelizing. Even though I've been gradually increasing my involvement, I still feel really disconnected from them overall. I don't really interact with them outside of Sunday service. I still don't really know the people there all that well, and becoming a member won't fix the disconnect if I don't find some way to further connect.

And even though I am confident that God has led me to this church, I'm still uncertain whether I truly ought to commit to this church and whether it's where I'm meant to be for the foreseeable future. I'm also not sure how much I align with the Baptist view on Christianity. Seems like I've got a lot to bone up on overall.


On another note, I've finally made the switch from Brave to LibreWolf. The more thorough privacy features have caused some minor inconvenience at first, but in terms of functionality I think I'll like using it better. I'm also mildly concerned about Chrome essentially taking over the web, in that almost every browser out there is Chrome-based one way or another. And even though Chromium is open-source, it's still got close ties to a company that doesn't have people's best interests at heart. I also didn't have much use for Brave's "Web3" features. xP


As for upcoming developments on the site? Might expand on the Montana X-Files a bit more if I can aggregate enough interesting stories. May rewrite sections of the site's content, but overall I don't think much'll change until I get the ball rolling on other interests like art, animation, webcomics, etc. Would also like to write more blog posts, but I'm realizing that I tend to write less out of a direct intent and more out of random musing. So instead of being like "I'm going to write a well-structured blog post on this subject", it's more like "this has been on my thoughts lately and I should put it down somewhere".