2023/08/13 - Moonwalker, Michael Jackson's Bizzare Adventure
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Little known fact about me (not that people generally know facts about me) is that I'm a bit of a Michael Jackson fan. While I had of course heard his music probably more times than I can count on the radio, I didn't really appreciate his music until maybe a couple of years ago. My interest in this music was probably piqued by his involvement with the Sonic 3 soundtrack.

This of course was long after his passing, so I never really got to experience the whole MJ hype.

But having an interest in his music (which is indeed very jamming) and amazing dance performances, I decided I wanted to watch his movie, "Moonwalker". An anthology film starring the king of pop with a "Michael Jackson takes on a drug lord" synopsis that implied pure cheese?? Count me in!


Nothing could've prepared me for what came next. It was AMAZING, but ABSOLUTELY BIZARRE. It was so absurd, and so out there. The moment I realized that this was going to be a trip, a roller coaster ride of complete bonkers that would in no way resemble a normal movie, I embraced the crazy and threw up my hands as the roller coaster loop-de-looped its way through absolute insanity.

And I loved pretty much every moment of it.

Which is funny, 'cause I'm pretty darn sure that if I watched this film as a kid that it would've disturbed the heck out of me. But being a bit older, I guess I can get a lot of subtext and symbolism that the film had in relation to MJ, in that the film was in a sense a representation of himself, his psyche and experiences.

Of course that didn't neatly explain everything. In fact, with that in mind it made me start to question what exactly was going through his head. For a movie that I thought was about taking on a drug lord, it certainly felt like someone was takin' drugs while making this.

Whatever I expected out of this film, it defied all those expectations by just being completely nuts.

So the way I see the film is that it roughly:

  1. Establishes who Michael Jackson is in terms of career, fame and origins.
  2. Shows us his struggles with hounding fans, paparazzi, and tabloids.
  3. Segues into him fighting a drug lord (what).

Yeah I'm still trying to figure out what the heck was going on in that last part.

If you're a fan of MJ, want to see something absolutely bonkers, and enjoy some jamming music along the way... then wow you have very specific tastes in film, but yes, Moonwalker is the one for you. The absurdity itself was very entertaining, almost humorously so. Definitely fun to watch with others (which is what I did), because everyone's got their own reactions and comments to give about whatever's happening in this movie.